I have created this music questionnaire to retrieve an overall summary of information that the audiences' view on music to help me towards my music magazine.
1) Are you male or female?
- male [ ]
- female [ ]
2) What kind of music genre do you like?
- Rock [ ]
- RnB [ ]
- Classical [ ]
- Dance [ ]
- Indie [ ]
- Reggae [ ]
If other please state .................................................................................
3) How often do you listen to music in a day?
- Frequently [ ]
- Most of the time [ ]
- Little [ ]
- Never [ ]
4) Do you prefer to download an album or buy in shops?
- Download [ ]
- Buy in shops [ ]
- Both [ ]
- Neither [ ]
5) Do you feel it is right for people to use file sharing software and download music for free?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
6) Do you prefer a music video to have a storyline?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- Don't care [ ]
7) Do you prefer female artists or male artists?
- Male [ ]
- Female [ ]
8) What do you feel is missing from the music industry today?
9) Do you think "Classical" music is slowly disappearing in the music industry today?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- I don't know [ ]
Why? .........................................................................................
10) How many times a year do you roughly go to a live concert?
- Once or twice [ ]
- Often [ ]
- Frequently [ ]
- Never [ ]
11) What song would you say best describes yourself and why?
12) Have you ever downloaded music illegally (this is an anonymous survey)
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
13) Do you own any band merchandise?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
14) If yes, tick the following you own
- T-shirt [ ]
- Poster [ ]
- Wristbands [ ]
- Autograph [ ]
- None [ ]
If other please state ...............................................................
15) Do you believe that some genres of music can influence actions? e.g. Rap music.
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- Maybe [ ]
- I don't know [ ]
16) Do you play any instruments?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
17) If yes, please tick the following.
- Violin [ ]
- Piano [ ]
- Guitar [ ]
- Drums [ ]
- None [ ]
If other please state ................................................................
18) Would you like to learn an instrument?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
19) If you could sing would you enter any competitions such as the X factor?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
Why? ....................................................................................
20) If music never existed do you think it would have an effect on society worldwide?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
Why? .....................................................................................
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